Gamewave Podcast Episode 65: Interview Special (Anamanaguchi, Nordloef)

So the Gamewave Podcast are keeping to their schedule of one show every two weeks and have just released a corker of a show! It features interviews with Anamanaguchi, Nordloef, Comptroller and Ultrasyd, as well as some choice chiptune cuts. There's also lots of recap from the huge SuperByte Festival 2013, which took place in Manchester last weekend. SuperByte Festival 2013 poster

Subscribe to the podcast through iTunes, download the episode directly from or stream through Mixcloud.

Gamewave Podcast Episode 65: Interview Special by Joe E. Allen on Mixcloud

(And this is the old video Pete from Anamanaguchi mentions in the interview)

Through Self Deduction - The EB EP

Shadowrunners - Japan music video