Joey Mariano, Pixelh8, Temp Sound Solutions, Select Start new albums out; Plopbox, Bandit Train, Tanooki Rebirth, MPFM

Joey Mariano, Pixelh8, Temp Sound Solutions, Select Start new albums out; Plopbox, Bandit Train, Tanooki Rebirth, MPFM

So much news to catch up on, let’s get some out of the way now shall we?

Joey Mariano AKA Animal Style has released a new album under the pseudonym of Tachyon Pistol. The album, titled Reso-Rubbish is available for $8 plus $2 S&H. [UPDATE: download free at 11/24/2014] You can order the album, as well as get free downloads of some of the tracks at both the Animal Style and Tachyon Pistol sites. This album includes 14 tracks from Joey Mariano and he also states “I am sorry about this not being an Animal Style album.”


Pixelh8 also has a new album out called Videogames Ruined My Life. “The long awaited 14-track album, which melted two laptops in the process, took two commodore 64's, one 48k spectrum, one nes, one snes, five gameboys, several kids toys and keyboards, countless yards of wire and solder to make. Available To Listen To And Buy From My Page

Lots Of Love, Pixelh8”

[UPDATE: Album $7 on Bandcamp. 11/24/2014] The album can be ordered on Pixelh8’s site for £6.50 + £1.50. What that equals in US $ is beyond my limited math skills.


Temp Sound Solutions has released his newest album, which boasts 11 new tracks. The album Nut Up or Shut Up is released on MegaTwerp and can be ordered on their site for $6. [UPDATE: Album $3 via Bandcamp. 11/24/2014]


Classical cover band Select Start have released a new album recently as well. It consists of 16 classic gaming themes from Actraiser to Zelda and back again. [UPDATE: Album available free via Bandcamp. -11/24/2014] The album costs $12 including shipping and handling.

There is a very interesting new site up that I wanted to mention, they are known as Plopbox. I think they explain their site better than I can. So here’s what they say about it.

“Plopbox is a kind of jukebox which plays tunes created in the 80-90 on machines like C64, Atari, Amiga, PC and others. You can browse in the archive and clicking on a tune will play it. New tunes, submitted by the users, are added everyday by our admins.

When you have your account, you can use plopbox to manage your own playlist and choose exactly the tunes you want to hear. You will have access to other playlists and can use filters on these. The applet will play the list you selected and plopbox will behave like a web radio.

We're working on more content to offer you the best oldschool experience.”

Bandit Train has a new song called Battle Field for download at his site. Tanooki Rebirth has a new song on his site to listen to. My Parent’s Favorite Music also has a Minibosses remix on their site for download called Make Sense.

Child’s Play 2006, Bandit Train, Start Select, Organic Junk Fude, Mochipet, Armcannon Show dates, disasterPEACE

New Band of the Month, Castlevania: PoR pre-order bonus update, West Coast Video Armageddon, Push Start shirts