As many of you know, GM4A was at the opening of the I AM 8-BIT art show on April 17th. We had a great time! The art there was simply amazing. One of my favorite pieces was Carlos Ramos' "No Do-Overs Jack". I loved the idea he was getting across with this piece. We all know how mad we can get when someone dies and takes a "do-over."
There were so many amazing pieces there. Another grouping of art that caught my eye was quite original. There were approximately one hundred tiny sculptures showcased on one of the walls of the art show. These tiny sculptures were made by Shuji Suzuki. Some may know him as the musician, Plamo.I was surprised with how many there were and how detailed they were in such a small size.
Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari was also down at the show on opening night. He told Coin-Op TV how amazed he is at the growth of video games since he worked with them, from pixellated blocks to seeing the sweat on characters. He has also opened up a new restaurant. Somewhat along the lines of his previous venture, Chuck E. Cheese, this restaurant also includes video games alongside your food. The restaurant is called uWink and is located in Woodland Hills, California.
The I AM 8-BIT art show is running until May 12th. It runs every day but Monday. Make sure to get out there before the show is over! You may even catch a glimpse of GM4A down there.
To see more photos from the show visit GM4A's new photobucket! This is where we will be hosting all of our photos for the time being.