Not having internet is like being in a coma. But none of that now! Firstly, I sincerely apologize to everyone for not updating and falling behind on news, updates, etc. Secondly, The utmost thanks to Jephso for continuing to update the sight in my absence, I can not thank him enough for the help!
So anyway, I won't be able to update every day like I strove for in the past (at least not yet). but I will definitely be posting regularly again! I have a couple of reviews coming up, some great interviews from my good pal Dot.AY that I have been meaning to post, as well as a few other ideas and such. Finally we also got a new "Tip Line" up in the top right for you folks to send your VGM tips to us, so we can get the news to the people posthaste! And as an apology gift I give you this fan-made video I made for Entertainment System's song Kirby's Dreamland 3
Also, thanks to all our readers, fans, and friends who make this website a continued success, despite my constant blunders!