Vote for Protomen to Rock/Save Warped Tour

With a bit of arm twisting (which wasn't necessary, as I would love to post this either way) I am writing about some pretty epic news from the VGIM front. Looks like epic rockers The Protomen have the chance to perform at this years Warped Tour in Atlanta, GA! Here is how The Protomen themselves explain things in their latest blog.

We have found new allies that have asked to remain anonymous (Ernie Ball) who have laid a challenge before us: to join them in saving Atlanta, GA with the power of Warped Tour behind us.

However, we need your help.

To join your comrades at the front, head to Ernie Ball's Warped Tour Battle of the Bands site and register an account. It's basically just like MySpace, but way less crappy. We've tested these waters, and they seem safe. Once inside, head to our account HQ to vote for us and rate our songs/band once daily. The top 20 voted bands will have a shot to play the show date, so your votes are everything. Remember, it's a daily thing so hit it often and rally your friends. It's time to see what we're all made of.

The future is unwritten. Do your part.

So there you have it! Hurry up and sign up and vote for The Protomen at this link!

IQTU - Embarrassing Triangle album release

Heavy Troopa is Ready to Launch! Super Mario RPG Tribute Album out today! FREE! 3 Discs worth of music!