Letters VS Numbers episode 019: "I came SO close to chipmunking the whole thing"

We are back from our unwarranted hiatus and after my mixing failures in episode 18 MisterB is back at the reigns of production! So let me introduce you to the highly refined Letters VS Numbers episode 019: "I came SO close to chipmunking the whole thing". This week we argue about Sony's advertising, decide what fictional creatures are allowed to exist, and even take more of your awesome tweets! Not only that but we announce the production of the fictional Shakespeare based video game, "Gaming of the Shrew." So go into your local game retailer and pre-order it today! We also take this podcast to the next level! Whatever that means.

Remember that you can head over to twitter.com/lversusn and follow us! We will tweet when we are recording, then you can tweet questions or comments to us while we are on the air!

Listener Emails
We have a boatload of emails this week! So many I don't even feel like naming who sent them! Remember to send us emails at lettersvsnumberspodcast AT gmail DOT com so we can read them on air!

To listen in (and for full track listings and info) be sure to head over to (the brand new domain) lettersvsnumbers.net Or subscribe to our RSS feed, or subscribe through iTunes.

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