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The Megas / Entertainment System - MEGATAINMENT dual EP release

Talk about highly anticipated releases. This time we have an incredible fusion of VG superpowers, with Los Angeles based musicians The Megas joining forces with baltimore based rockers Entertainment System. When their powers combine we get the sheer destructive force known as Megatainment. The album is also known as Megatainment in fact, and is available right now via The Megas online store in both digital and limited edition pressed forms. Both will run you $5, with the pressed copy running you a small S&H fee as well. For those who like to try before you buy why don't you take a gamble for once? you can check out the opening track Elecman at The Megas facebook. Needless to say this is an amazing album from both groups and I will be throwing down a lengthy review soon for this release! For now though you might be wondering how such a fusion came together, so I leave you with The Megas explaining the album creation from their point of view.

The idea was born this time last year, when we embarked on the first Megatainment tour - basically they kept hassling us about not planning to do the MM1 soundtrack, so we said "write and record all the music and we'll do vocals..." and that's exactly what happened!

We're really excited about how this turned out - Entertainment System brings a different, heavier sound than what we play, so it was a fun challenge to come up with melodies and lyrics! Story-wise, this fits in as a nice prequel to Get Equipped.