Kickstarter: Support indie PC game Dropsy - "A Surreal Exploration Based Adventure Game"
I like everything about Dropsy by accomplished musician and game developer Jay Tholen. That is, I plan to, as soon as everybody chips in and makes sure it gets off the ground. This kickstarter campaign ends July 25th, and has a minimum goal of $25,000.
Dropsy is an open world adventure game with an emphasis on surreal atmospheric elements and environmental storytelling. It extracts the humor and rich narratives from classic adventure games (like Monkey Island, Full Throttle, or Grim Fandango) and places them into a unique exploration based framework.
Though its roots are in the point-and-click games of old, Dropsy will be an almost entirely text-free experience. There are still colorful characters to communicate with, but the dialogue is handled visually rather than linguistically. This is enhanced by expressive animation and detailed surroundings.