Listen to this hard rock cover of the music from Tetris by Nerd Army

Listen to this hard rock cover of the music from Tetris by Nerd Army

Considering back when I started digging through VGM remixes and covers over ten years ago, it seemed like every other remix I heard was of Tetris, and usually in the style of techno. That said, it's probably been years since I mentioned Tetris on this blog, but this heavy hitting cover by Nerd Army is more than enough to wash away all those terrible Tetris techno memories.

Listen to OCReMix track NBA Jam 'From Downtown' by ktriton, Mustin & Steve Lella

Listen to OCReMix track NBA Jam 'From Downtown' by ktriton, Mustin & Steve Lella

Watch The Altered Beasts perform an acoustic jazz guitar cover of the Super Mario Bros 2 Overworld Theme