Bagre drops ambient VGM hip hop album 'La Fantástica Distopia Del Hombre Pez'
I'm searching and digging, and this is what I discover. Brought to us via Lunar Tape Records, and based out of Santiago, Chile, Bagre drops an amazing and intense collection of rumbling glitched up beats which pull from hip hop and classic video game sounds.
There are a variety of instruments and sounds in this collection. Many songs open with what sound like old radio recordings, not to mention the variety of sound effects from classic games like Earthbound, and who knows what else that I just couldn't recognize during this laid back yet complex array of sounds.
The artwork, and music all scream the aesthetic I take such pleasure in hearing. Give this album a listen if you love glitched out 16 bit RPGs and extra fuzz and the faint electronic tones of youth.
“Desde Talca, ciudad del Sur de Chile Bagre nos presenta “La Fantástica Distopia Del Hombre Pez”. Ciencia ficcion, videojuegos y HipHop son parte del imaginario sonoro de Bagre.
From Talca, Town Southern Chile Bagre presents “La Fantástica Distopia Del Hombre Pez”. Sci -Fi, video games and HipHop make part of the soundscape of Bagre. ”