Chiptune tribute to Friday the 13th by lpower
More late November creepiness thanks to my relaxed attitude towards music posts as well as the rather late scheduling of many a Halloween album. Come on guys, you can't all release them on October 31st, be reasonable.
Well lpower has many a reason to be unreasonable with his latest release via PteSquad.The OST nature of the album actually sets a nice ambient tone that lingers in the background, giving that perfect slasher movie vibe. Consider listening to this album as you walk around late at night playing Pokemon Go. I did that, and I am now terrified.
F13 is the soundtrack to a video game heavily inspired by the Friday the 13th horror series. It all began when David Arseneau started work on a post-grad research project into how pop culture phenomena are pieced together from various component parts and he chose to explore slasher movies and the Friday the 13th franchise. One aspect of this project was creating a working video game and so he enlisted lpower to provide the soundtrack, as well as much of the in-game pixel art.
The whole project will be exhibited by David next year, but for now you can hear this immense, clinical, chilling OST full of retro synth sounds. There are also cassette versions for sale over on lpower’s Bandcamp page! Grab one at: And download pixel art for the game by David and lpower:”