Good Talk, new chiptune rock album by (T-T)b
The latest from amazing and unpronouncable chiptune rockers (T-T)b. Download 11 tracks of soaring bitpop anthems. If you want to go full retro by purchasing it in cassette/T-shirt form, that is also an option.
Sometimes I forget how influential chiptunes have been for myself and this blog. I would start a chiptune podcast, but I think that market is taken. Expect me to sneak a few of these tracks into SUBCON though.
“(T-T)b is:
Joey - guitar, programming, vocals
Jake - bass
Nick - drums
Recorded by Carson Lewis in Boston, MA
Mixed & Mastered by Rob Duffy (
Art by FEEBLEE (
Produced by Jason Rosa
Released by Play it Loud!”