All in Album Releases

Latest hip hop album 'HOT' from J.ReaL Hip Hop

There is a lot of fire on this album. I guess that explains the title. I bumped music from this album on a past SUBCON episode. If you watch/listen to my SUBCON show, then you'd be way more on top of these dope game inspired emcees. The track 3rd, with that opening Mario Kart reference definitely grabbed my attention. The very on-the-nose hook on Yu-Gi-Oh is too over the top not to enjoy. Hit play! 

Another c&s stock report from Shawn Phase - The River City Ransom Underground based 6-26-17 edition

We are well into the second half of the year, but there is no cause to stop or slow these temp sound solution Tuesdays though. Exactly the opposite. Hell, I could probably blog only about Shawn Phase and still have a pretty regular update schedule. Now Phase is dropping stock reports on both Bandcamp and SoundCloud. This one is a SoundCloud exclusive, which makes it a bit of a hidden stock report, for all of you completionists out there. 

The Dank EP, a Donkey Kong based EDM compilation from Tiny Waves

This awesome little album took me by surprise. I call it little, even though it's 14 tracks filled with Donkey Kong Country inspired EDM. Then again, they called it an EP, and called it the Dank EP. The music is great though. Many familiar names on this compilation, including RoBKTA, Glenntai, RoboRob, and more. That RoBKTA track bumps so hard I even had to play it on an episode of the SUBCON podcast. Can't go wrong with Donkey Kong. The fact that it rhymes, proves it's true.

Welcome to FIGHT CITY, the Streets of Rage inspired Sega chiptune album by DJ SUPER SONIC

There is only one way out of FIght City, that's right! By fighting! That is also the only way into Fight City. It's also how you pay for a great deal of goods and services. The point is. DJ Super Sonic takes that wonderful FM chip and channels his inner Yuzo Koshiro to create the blood pumping sounds of Fight City. If you need some music that makes you want to start a fight, then move slightly to the right, just so you can start another fight, then this is your soundtrack!

Bizarre Arcade 2 : Nostalgia Kung Fu by ayekincaid | Ray Kincaid | Free Listening on SoundCloud

Very hot rhymes by ayekincaid. I would name the stand out tracks but this album just has tracks I like. That multi-part opener is fire. I already bumped a track or two on the SUBCON podcast as soon as I heard this one. Don't sleep on this like I did. A few of these tracks have been bumping in my head ever since I started listening this album. Hope that downloadable version is really coming through soon though.