The results are in - WarmReboot's jazz rearrangement of Mario Kart 64

I just recently came across France based jazz trio WarmReboot upon hearing their rendition of music from GBA classic Golden Sun. This time I want to talk about their latest track (at time of this writing), the laid back remix of that jazzy results screen from the classic Mario Kart 64 soundtrack. Even though we have all heard the results music many times, it can feel like an overlooked track, since most folks will quickly skip past the results and onto the next race. When discussing Mario Kart music, it tends to be mostly focused on track themes, but the results music bangs even in the original Super Mario Kart, so it's not surprising this is a jam as well.

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Wed to the Carcass and Vulture Cycle - new music from NESMETAL

Wed to the Carcass and Vulture Cycle is the debut track from NESMETAL's forthcoming release, THE RIVER UNTO THE END. NESMETAL gets some strong emotions out of these chip sounds. You can really feel the full metal band behind the sounds. The full album drops on the NESMETAL Bandcamp this winter.

We've got a four minute banger that builds intensely all the way to the final moments. That doesn't mean this song starts out soft though. The sonic assault happens the moment you hit play with the full ensemble of a heavy metal bands worth of chipmetal. The music sounds extremely close, almost claustrophobic, like being trapped inside a dark, grisly dungeon. Yet the jackhammer drums and bass that power the song have that rusted industrial feel to them. The mixture between that and the longer notes of the “guitar” build around one another, constantly shifting, like a boss battle where the enemy keeps changing forms. The song finally reaches it's peak at about 3:45 before fading out and ending with a few stray drum crashes. It’ll be a few months before we get to hear what this track leads into next, as the full release won’t be out until later this year. Until then you can listen to this track on the Wed to the Carcass and Vulture Cycle song page at the NESMETAL Bandcamp.

Chief Takinawa is doing 'Just Peachy' - New music via GameChops

Chief Takinawa has dropped his latest single, an ice chill remix of the momentous occasion of rescuing a princess. This was only the fourth time Mario had saved a princess at this point so it is still pretty memorable for him, even though he has saved multiple princesses multiple times in his career at this point.

Takinawa gives off a false lead with some big fanfare that dips into a thank you and a frosty beat based on the short but memorable Princess Peach is Rescued theme from Super Mario World. There is a lot at work on this track if you listen closely. Samples weaved nicely throughout the mix, including some Yoshi drums I am in love with. Also there are some birds on the cut, just like those Yoshi colored Birds in the game!

One day I have to make a mix of every song I have heard with bird chirping in it. Just Peachy definitely makes the cut. Go listen at and find more Chief Takinawa on his Bandcamp page.