That Advance Wars Reboot is Still Coming Out Eventually

Do these animations bother you? They bother me. Will I turn off battle animations? Normally I keep battle animations on until I beat the story line. Might happen a lot sooner this time. I talked about this in the last installment of ‘a guy complains about a game, featuring Advance Wars.’ The graphics are pretty lifeless. Bringing them to life through animation doesn’t make it much better.

One Credit Review: The Crystal of Kings

Something new and strange has happened in the world of One Credit Reviews. I played a game at random, as per usual, but I ended up playing an arcade game that doesn't suck, and is, in fact, quite fun to play. It's actually a shame I had to stop after only one quarter. What you get for that quarter is a hell of a lot of value. Even if this game is 50 cents, it's still quite some value. If it costs a dollar, you are in one of the worst arcades imaginable.