Do Mega Man X - Maverick Hunters from Noveliss & Mega Ran album review

It's 20XX (Hey, it actually is 20XX) and it's time for Noveliss and Mega Ran AKA The Maverick Hunters. The Capcom game Mega Man came out in 1987, with the spinoff Mega Man X debuting about six years later in '93. The original Mega Ran album came out in 2007, and Random has gotten questions about 'when are you going to do Mega Man X though?' from all us SNES kids for about 15 years. Now we got the debut of Zero, and the reawakening of Mega Ran, thanks to this new album from Noveliss and Mega Ran…

Inspiring metal track, "The Symphony's End" by Inside Shell

I wonder if seeing Travis Morgan rock out before 12pm on a weekend might have been the last game music concert I've been to. Going to have to investigate my memories a little harder, but I believe it to be true. (Although, by the time this is published, I may, or may not have seen an outdoor game music concert.) That's why I am talking about the 2019 release of w-Mono by Inside Shell…

Yoshi's Story's commercial is dripping with attitude

This is a commercial for 1998 N64 release Yoshi's Story, the most maligned of many maligned sequels to the classic Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. This is also smack dab in the middle of the 'Get 'N' or Get Out!' campaign. Personally one of my favorite ad campaigns from Nintendo, although that isn't saying much, considering this is Nintendo advertising we are talking about…

Is the Super Mario Game and Watch a good watch?

I've been using the Super Mario Game and Watch as a watch. Well, technically a clock. I did not strap this thing to my wrist, and will not even look up the possibility of doing so. The Game & Watch sits on the shelf facing my general direction, and the time displayed is correct, as I've adjusted it to be so, and the time has remained constant since the November 2020 launch of the product…